Reports and Select Articles

CSMLS conducts health system- and medical laboratory profession-impacting research and projects driven to support positive change for its current and future members. We continue to foster partnerships and ideas that propel the medical laboratory profession forward at provincial and national levels.

For archived reports, projects and presentations, please contact with your inquiry.

Title Description Publication Year
Executive Summary Discipline-Specific Certification: a feasibility study Most areas of the country are experiencing widespread labour market shortages for laboratory professionals. Data suggests that this trend is likely to worsen in the near term owing to planned retirements across the industry. 2024
The “Silent Firefighters”: an examination and evaluation of peer support sessions for medical laboratory professionals in Canada Through collaboration with our members, we have gained valuable insights into the mental health of medical laboratory professionals, including sources of work-related stress, coping mechanisms, and obstacles to seeking mental health support. 2024
Medical Laboratory Professionals Employment Report - One Year Post Certification 2022 This survey examines the employment rate of medical laboratory professionals who were successful in passing the CSMLS certification exam within a specified year. It provides an indication of labour market needs for professionals and employers as well as vital information for academic programs and students evaluating entrance into the profession. 2024
CSMLS Mental Health Report - 2023 The Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science gauges and compares the level and impact of mental health issues, including stress and burnout, as well as mental illness of medical laboratory assistants, technologists and other related professionals. 2023
Educators - What do you need from CSMLS? Managing and engaging students in increased class sizes was a topic at the forefront of discussion during the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS) open forum held on May 27, 2023. This study reached out to all educators who were also CSMLS members requesting their participation in answering key questions about class sizes and outcomes. 2023
Medical Laboratory Professionals Employment Report - One Year Post Certification 2021 This survey examines the employment rate of medical laboratory professionals who were successful in passing the CSMLS certification exam within a specified year. It provides an indication of labour market needs for professionals and employers as well as vital information for academic programs and students evaluating entrance into the profession. 2023
The CSMLS Workforce Integrated Learning Pilot Keys to Success The Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS) is the national professional association and certifying body for medical laboratory technologists (MLTs) and assistants in Canada. It administers Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), on behalf of eight provincial Canadian MLT regulators, for clients educated outside of Canada to establish their eligibility for the national certification examination. 2023
Workforce Integrated Learning Project Report The Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS) will increase access to supervised clinical placements for Internationally Educated Medical Laboratory Technologists (IEMLTs) to provide relevant work experience and skills development opportunities to Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) clients (with minor gaps relative to entry-to-practice standards), and recently CSMLS-certified, licensed-to-practice IEMLTs (who are either unemployed or underemployed). 2023
Medical Laboratory Professionals’ Employment Report This survey examines the employment rate of medical laboratory professionals who were successful in passing the CSMLS certification exam within a specified year. It provides an indication of labour market needs for professionals and employers as well as vital information for academic programs and students evaluating entrance into the profession. 2022
Simulation and Competency Obtainment CSMLS Recommendations for Simulation in Assessment of MLT Competencies 2022
CSMLS Mental Health Report 2021 The Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science gauges and compares the level and impact of mental health issues, including stress and burnout, as well as mental illness of medical laboratory assistants, technologists and other related professionals. 2021
Newly Certified Graduate Employment Survey This survey examines the employment rate of medical laboratory professionals who were successful in passing the CSMLS certification exam within a specified year. It provides an indication of labour market needs for professionals and employers as well as vital information for academic programs and students evaluating entrance into the profession. 2021
CSMLS Annual Report and Financial Summary This report provides a retrospective review of the activities and accomplishments of CSMLS within a specific year, including the financial summary information required for release. See webpage
  Title Description Publication Year

Years 2016-2021

  House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance: Pre-budget Consultations Submission The House Finance Committee’s pre-budget consultations process is a critical means by which Canadians are able to express their priorities for forthcoming budgets. The process will result in a report to be tabled in the House of Commons in December 2017, and this report will be considered by the Minister of Finance as the 2018 federal budget is developed. 2018
  National Indicators: Mental Health Status of Medical Laboratory Professionals in Canada A national review of the mental health status of medical laboratory professionals who are members of the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS). These medical laboratory professionals (MLPs) include medical laboratory assistants/technicians (MLAs) and medical laboratory technologists (MLTs). 2018 (bi-annual)
  National Indicators: The Quality of Worklife of Medical Laboratory Professionals in Canada A national review of the quality of worklife of employed medical laboratory professionals who are members of the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS). These medical laboratory professionals (MLPs) include medical laboratory assistants/technicians (MLAs) and medical laboratory technologists (MLTs). 2018 (bi-annual)
  A Decade in Review - Accepted Lost Time Claims and Fatalities in the Medical Laboratory Profession Occupational Injury & Disease: This report provides a historical look and analysis of the national injury and disease data produced by the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC). Data from 2006-2015 associated with lost time claims and fatalities, as reported to the Canadian Workers’ Compensation Boards/Commissions (WCBs), has been analysed and presented. 2018
  Climate Change Series: Drivers of Higher Professional Standards in Canada Profession Evolution: Published in the CJMLS, a four-part series examining the possible drivers setting the standards higher for both the current workforce and the students representing our future. 2016-2017
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
  Task Shifting Electrocardiograms (ECGs)to the Medical Laboratory Profession ECG/Task Shifting: In a CSMLS survey, medical laboratory professionals were asked for their perspective of ECG task shifting trends as most provinces and territories lack delegated acts for this procedure. 2017
  Strategies for Reducing the Ordering of Unnecessary Laboratory Tests Unnecessary Laboratory Tests: Interventions that reduce the volume of laboratory tests performed can benefit patients and allow for the redeployment of laboratory and physician resources. This article describes interventions that have proven to be successful at curbing laboratory utilization and are sorted using an adaptation of the Precede-Proceed Framework. 2016
  Ordering of Testing – Snapshot of Findings Unnecessary Laboratory Tests: CSMLS conducted a survey to obtain preliminary insight into members’ perspective of laboratory testing being ordered incorrectly (unnecessarily or over ordered). 2016

Years 2011-2014

  Development of Alternate Career Information for CSMLS Internationally Educated MLT Applicants: When the Fit is Not Quite Right Internationally Educated/Alternate Career: In 2013, CSMLS received funding from Health Canada to conduct primary and secondary research into the concept of providing appropriate alternate career information to select internationally educated medical laboratory technologist (IEMLT) applicants. The objectives were to create an “alternate career” definition, determine assessment process information and develop supporting communication materials for applicants. 2014
  Qualitative & Quantitative Research Into IEMLT Opinions On Alternate Careers Internationally Educated/Alternate Career: The main result of this study showed that once IEMLTs understand the concept of alternate careers, they will have positive feelings about being shown areas of potential employment outside of the MLT field. 2014
  Identification of Alternate Careers and Related Fact Sheets for Internationally Educated Medical Lab Technologist (MLT) Applicants Internationally Educated/Alternate Career: CSMLS initiated a broad project, which included the following primary objectives/deliverables: 1. environmental scan/literature review of best practices in the field of alternate career pathway development and communication; 2. To have an expert review of laboratory science competency profiles and essential skills; 3. Obtain perspective of IEMLTs; 4. Develop a list of alternate career pathways/communication materials; 5. Revise elements of the PLAR process as necessary; and, 6. Develop partnerships with referral sources. 2014
  Development of Alternate Career Information for CSMLS Internationally Educated Medical Laboratory Technologist Applicants Internationally Educated/Alternate Career: This research is comprised of an environmental scan and literature review in the area of Alternate Careers for immigrant professionals. 2013
  Assessing the Workforce Integration of Internationally Educated Health Professionals Internationally Educated: CSMLS received funding from the Government of Canada’s Foreign Credential Recognition Program to conduct research assessing the integration of practicing immigrant health professionals in Canada. The primary objective was to determine the barriers to practice. This report summarizes the findings from this project. 2011
  Needs Assessment: Peer Support Network for Internationally Educated Medical Laboratory Technologists Internationally Educated/Peer Support: CSMLS undertook a project funded by the Government of Canada's Foreign Credential Recognition Program to determine whether internationally educated medical laboratory technologists would benefit from a peer support network to help them navigate the application, assessment, certification and licensing process and ultimately ease their transition into the workplace. This report summarizes the findings from this project. 2011

Years 2008-2010

  Addressing the Competency Gaps of Internationally Trained Educated Medical Laboratory Technologists Internationally Educated/Competency: To provide the most effective guidance for applicants for MLT, CSMLS benefited from an evaluation of competency gaps encountered by internationally educated medical laboratory technologists and collection of identified resources. This report summarizes the finding of this project. 2010
  CSMLS Online Self-Assessment Tool for PLA Readiness of Internationally Educated Medical Laboratory Technologists Internationally Educated/PLA Assessment Tool: With funding from the Government of Canada’s Foreign Credential Recognition Program, CSMLS has developed, piloted and implemented an online self-assessment tool for use by would-be applicants to the CSMLS PLA process. 2010
  Bridging Programs for Internationally Educated Medical Laboratory Technologists: A Business Case Internationally Educated/Bridging Programs: The findings of the analysis demonstrate clear economic advantages at both provincial and national levels for supporting the professional entry of IEMLTs through bridging programs. The economic benefits of bridging programs for IEMLTs affirm the CSMLS’s advocacy efforts among policymakers seeking federal and provincial contributions to the workforce integration of IEMLTs. 2009
  Language Proficiency Testing for Internationally Educated Medical Laboratory Technologists: Validating Cut Scores and a New Testing Tool Internationally Educated/Language: This report presents the major points outlined as reporting requirements in Schedule B of the Ministry contract: a summary of the project and a discussion of sustainability issues. This document also includes the report of the project consultants as well as the standard-setting guidelines document they prepared. 2009
  Setting Language Proficiency Standards for Accreditation in Health Care Professions Language Proficiency: A Guide on How to Plan, Deliver and Evaluate Standard Setting Procedures to Recommend Cut Scores on Tests of English Language Proficiency for Professional Accreditation 2009
  Investigation of Language Assessment Tools and Benchmarks Necessary for Success for Internationally Educated Medical Laboratory Technologists Internationally Educated/Language: The intent of the project was to evaluate the level of language proficiency required to succeed in the medical laboratory workplace and at the various stages of the CSMLS certification process. The ultimate goal was to identify means of expediting IEMLT progress through the PLA process and ultimately into the workplace. 2008

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement : We respectfully acknowledge the CSMLS office, located in Hamilton, Ontario, is situated upon the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Mississauga Nation, Anishinaabe Peoples, and the Neutral Peoples. This land is covered by the Dish With One Spoon wampum, which is a treaty between the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe to share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. We further acknowledge that this land is covered by the Between the Lakes Treaty No. 3, 1792, between the Crown and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.


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